This story is over 5 years old.


Drums Sound Different Everywhere

No two snare hits are the same.

Just in case you didn't think the hidden physics of drums were fascinating enough, there's this: French video house Audio Zéro filmed a guy playing a rather straightforward beat in a bunch of different environments—the middle of a country road, a grease monkey's garage, a bombed-out underpass, and beyond—to demonstrate just how much a drumkit's setting can play with its punch.

It's a striking demonstration of macro- and micro-acoustics, and is sparking plenty of discussion as to whether no artificial reverb was added to the cut, as Audio Zéro claims. For his part, the director of the video commented on YouTube that a studio recording was indeed mixed with sound on location, but that there was no further editing done after shooting wrapped. Check out a quick making of the video here.

Debates aside, it's perhaps further proof that programmable beat tech hasn't killed the flesh-and-blood drummer.
