
Monthly Horoscope: Aries, July 2023

Welcome to Cancer season, dear Aries!

The sun in Cancer lights up a very private, personal sector of your chart, bringing your focus to your home and family life and reconnecting you with the past. You might be moving or planning a big change in your home. You may be reconnecting with family or people who are special to you. July 1 finds the sun meeting Mercury in Cancer, plus Mercury and the sun connect with Jupiter in Taurus, which can bode well for discussions about home, family, and personal life, as well as themes like money and security. An energy of abundance flows, and it’s easy to access the resources you need in order to create a safe, comfortable space for yourself.


Venus in Leo squares off with Uranus in Taurus on July 2, which might bring unexpected gifts your way, but it would be wise to watch your spending at this time! Something that seems fabulous could fall flat, or you might feel so jolly that you want to pick up the tab for everyone, even though it’s not in your budget! Financial restraints could really be bumming you out at this time, but you might also discover something of great value that you didn’t realize you had—maybe it’s an object or a hidden talent that you could put to great use!

The full moon in Capricorn takes place on July 3, marking an important culmination in your career. A big achievement can be made at this time. You may be making a big announcement, and receiving attention is even easier than usual. Cancer season often finds Aries focused on their personal lives but, the Capricorn full moon is a period when your career or life in the public eye is front and center. You may be winning new fans at this time. And perhaps, you decide that you’ve achieved all you’ve wanted to achieve in a certain venue, and you’re ready for a new goal! 


Surprising and inspiring discussions about money take place as Mercury aligns with Uranus on July 7. An emotional, tender conversation may arise as Mercury connects with Neptune in Pisces on July 9. This can be a powerful moment to talk about feelings, and connect with someone (or with yourself!) on a spiritual level. Your ruling planet Mars enters Virgo on July 10, energizing you to tackle your to-do list. This is a productive time at work and in your personal life as you tackle projects, make deals, and get things accomplished! Your leadership skills come in handy as you motivate the people around you to achieve their goals. In your personal life, Mars in Virgo can find you ready to end some habits that you’ve outgrown or don’t serve your health or best interests. Mercury opposes Pluto in Capricorn on this day, which can find you having an intense but important discussion about your work-life balance. It might be difficult to say what you need to say, but a huge change can take place if you do!

Mercury enters fellow fire sign Leo on July 11, perhaps bringing love letters, invitations to celebrations and openings, and other good news! The sun aligns with Uranus on July 14, inspiring experimentation and finding you enjoying something unexpected and novel. Big ideas are shared as Mercury squares off with Jupiter on July 17! People are in an optimistic, open-minded mood, making it an exciting time to connect—but watch out for gossip and exaggerations, as even the most well intentioned people could get carried away at this time.


Also on July 17, there’s a new moon in Cancer! This new moon brings a welcome fresh energy to your home, family, and personal life. Maybe you’re moving or energetically cleansing your home: Open all the windows, toss out the trash, change your sheets, and mop the floors! Get rid of objects that don’t feel like they belong, especially if they’re tied to people or memories you’re ready to release. On an emotional level, this new moon can find you connecting with the past in a new way. You may discover something exciting about your family history, or gain a new perspective on something that took place years ago.

A powerful spiritual and emotional breakthrough takes place within you as the sun connects with Neptune on July 20; also on this day, your ruling planet Mars opposes Saturn in Pisces, so your peaceful mood might be briefly disrupted by your responsibilities. If you or someone else has been slacking off, the consequences of dillydallying can become apparent. While there is a forgiving energy in the air on this day, if you come to feel like you can’t trust others to handle business, it’s time for long-term interpersonal problem solving.

Egos clash as the sun opposes Pluto on July 21! Power struggles may come to a head. You might feel frustrated with people who believe they understand where you’ve come from, and who think they can dictate where you’re going. Your destiny is for you to decide! While frustrating interactions might take place, brilliant changes can also arise, especially if you’re ready to let go of the past.


Aries Compatibility With Every Zodiac Sign

Venus retrograde begins in Leo, plus Leo season begins, on July 22! Leo season is an exciting time of year for your creative pursuits, your love life, and generally celebrating and enjoying life. With Venus retrograde in Leo this summer, these themes will be more intensified. Deep questions about what—and who—you truly love may be asked…and answered! Leo energy is all about heart, integrity, loyalty, and truth. Venus retrograde in Leo asks you to reconnect with the truest parts of yourself. A new chapter begins for you regarding love, artistic pursuits, and simply allowing yourself to have more fun. You may connect with a new crush or deepen the relationship you have with someone special.

Some astrologers say Venus retrograde is not the right time to fall in love…to which we respond, how can the time to fall in love possibly be chosen?! I see no reason to assume love affairs that begin at this time will be star-crossed. These relationships, whether they last a lifetime or a few nights, may have a lasting impact and transform you and your understanding of love on a deep level. If you’re unsure about who you are or what you’re looking for in love, perhaps these relationships will feel like a test…but surely an Aries is up for any challenge? Think back to Summer 2015: That was the last time Venus was retrograde in Leo. How have you changed since then? 

Mercury squares off with Uranus on July 23: Uranus is the planet of surprise, so you may learn some very unexpected things on this day! Uranus is also the planet of innovation, so communication breakthroughs and exciting discoveries can also take place. Mercury meets Venus retrograde on July 27, which might find you reconnecting with someone special to you like an old friend, crush, lover, or creative collaborator. Maybe you have unfinished business, or perhaps the universe is crossing your paths so you can learn something new or gain perspective on what took place in the past (if you believe the universe does that sort of thing!). An easygoing, friendly energy flows.

Mercury enters hardworking Virgo on July 28, kicking up communication between you and your colleagues. You could be busy taking care of paperwork or reorganizing your schedule. Virgo is detail-oriented, and you can approach things in an analytical way at this time! Communication about projects you’re working on could see an uptick. 

Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in August!