This story is over 5 years old.


Now Anything Can Be the Off Button

Just another example of MIT students having a chuckle

In just a few hours time, you will have lost your chance to buy one of the coolest contraptions you’d probably only use once, unless you’re Björk or Damon Albarn or one of the mad scientists enshrined by Babycastles (RIP Silent Barn). It’s called MaKey MaKey, it makes anything a keyboard. And its Kickstarter is ending in a hot minute.

Hatched from the creative imaginations of Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum, two researchers at the MIT Media Lab, Makey Makey has become a veritable case study for how to raise money using Kickstarter. It’s got over 10,000 backers, who have cast a half-million dollar shadow over the $25,000 goal, and it has more ‘likes’ on Facebook than there are people in Harvey, Illinois. It’s also promised to make using computers kind of exciting again. Press the play button above. Or better yet, just get one, and then press it with your corned beef sandwich or your cat or what have you.

Lastly, Amanda Palmer, Kickstarter darling, jamming out with bananas:


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